Eric Schultz : studio 24

Eric Schultz was born in Trenton, New Jersey in 1976. Schultz works
predominantly in the medium of metal, found object sculpture, but loves to
experiment in making art of any kind. Eric has a deep, artistic
fascination with junk and the detritous of life. He finds inspiration from
animals, people, ancient myths, good stories,and don't forget trash. After
graduating from Tyler School of Art , Eric realized his need to address
the invironmental issue of recycling, by transforming waste into
sculptural treasures. The "green" aspect of Erics' sculpture is integral
in his artistic process, as well as music and humor. For the last 20 years
he has had a series of sculpting commisions,shows,demonstrations, classes
and residencies in the Pennsylvania and New Jersey area. Working as the
preparator for Sculpture Foundation and Grounds for Sculpture from 2008 to
2015, Schultz honed his set building, large sculpture construction, art
handling and artist consultation skills. One of his commissions was to
transform a 1976 VW "Beetle" into a "Love Bug" which is perched on the
roof of the Childrens Discovery Museum in Cherryhill, NJ. Eric recently
won first place in a juried "Upcycled" sculpture show at Artworks Gallery
in Trenton, NJ. Grounds for Sculpture awarded him an artist in residence
project to create a 16' found object "Sleeping Giant", in which he
collaborated with volunteers and an assistant artist, Ruthann Perry.
Schultzs' artwork can be found in a myriad of public an private art
collections. He currently has a studio at Grounds for Sculpture in
Hamilton, NJ as well as, in his home in Philadelphia, Pa. You can view
additional artworks by Eric at his